
We went in a Chinese restaurant. The dinner was very special, we remembered very moments of childhood, we laughed a lot, we did the invisible friend… It was FANTASTIC!!! My invisible friend was Anna, she gave me earrings, one thing for put the earrings and one CD that there are 12 songs that are very specials for ours. After the dinner, I was in the toilets because I had to make-up. Anna came into the toilet and she says me: Marina, come with me one moment please. She looks worry. I didn’t want to go out, but she forced me. When I went out I saw MARTAA!!!!!!(Marta is one of my best friends, now she is in Ireland studding 1st of Batxillerat, and this Christmas Holidays she came to visit, but she says me that she came on 26st December) when I saw her, I did a scream with excitement and I crossed throughout the restaurant for hugged her, I was very moved.
After the dinner, we went to karaoke, and after karaoke we went to Sikím.
It was a fantastic night.
On Saturday we sleep all the day.
you like it?
Bye guys!!!