viernes, 30 de enero de 2009


Anorexia is very frequently symptom in all the illness and physiologic situations that consistent in a decrease of the appetite, that could produce a decrease of ingest the aliments.
People with anorexia are known to commonly control body weight through the means of voluntary starvation, vomiting, excessive exercise, or other weight control measures, such as diet pills or diuretic drugs. They may be afraid of losing control over the amount of food they eat, accompanied by the desire to control their emotions and reactions to their emotions.
In conclusion, a lot of girls and boys on the world are suffering this problem (or similar) and it's a very sad thing...Look at the photo, it is horrible!!! I can’t believe how a person can arrive at this circumstance.

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

Christmas Holidays

Hi People!!

I feel bad :( Because we have gone back to school!!! But really I feel good, this holiday I slept as much as I wanted sleep and I could go out at night wherever I wanted!!!

The more relevant days in this holydays were Christmas day, Year’s Day and the Day of the three Kings.

On Christmas day I had a family lunch and I received a lot of presents and money. =D
At night my friends and I went to Fata.

On New Year’s Eve Gemma, Anna and I went to Gerona to buy clothes for New Year’s night. At night we had dinner in Laia’s house with all of friends.
After twelve o’clock we went to Sant Peter’s party and we came home at six-seven o’clock. It was a great party. =D

The Eve of the three Kings, I stayed locked at home all the morning for finish the homework.
In the afternoon, I went to shopping in Figueres with Marta.

And night I went to sikim with Marta, my brother(Ferran), Gemma, Guillem, Baldiri,… and after Ferran, Marta and I went to “Chic”(it is one of the best discotheques in the world). This night was the first night that I went to Chic, I really like this.

see you;)